LS4FUTURE Online Informative Session – Meet Our PIs

Dear LS4FUTURE Community,

Join us for the first “Meet our PIs”, a new series within our “Online Informative Sessions”.

LS4FUTURE Online Informative Session “Meet our PIs”

October 31st

12h00 – 13h00

Zoom link here

As part of our Online Informative Sessions series, where we try to bring topics that are meant to inform and empower our community, and promote networking, we will start the new “Meet our PIs ” aiming to showcase the diversity of academic careers of the Principal Investigators of the Associate Laboratory and their research.

The two guest PIs will introduce themselves, describe their academic journey, and share their current research questions and interests. A Q&A session will follow their presentations.

The LS4FUTURE is pleased to welcome Ricardo Henriques from IGC and Cláudia Almeida from NMS to this first session.

We look forward to welcoming you to this Online Session.